The crock pot the stews our chili and soups is circa somewhere 1993. At some point during the first autumn in Skylight Apartments #3, my roommates and I determined we must have a crock pot (I bet it was Robyn). We went to the local WalMart and probably paid about $10 for this one. I don't know how I lucked out, but it stayed with me.
I realize I have several other things that fit into the category of the crock pot. It's old and outdated, and there are newer & better models...but it's still it's still getting used in my house.
I have a sweatshirt that I know I got on a trip to North Carolina just after my former roommate Ali moved out there after college graduation. I got it at an outlet mall (my first outlet experience!). I wear it to bed now. The ribbing on the sleeves is almost completely worn off, but it's still a very functional sleeping sweatshirt. I am not sentimental about clothes. This really is a great sleeping garment.
Plates: hosting a half-dozen friends for Thanksgiving made me realize the mish-mash of plates we have dates back post Jamey. Several of the plates were purchased upon moving into Southland Lane apartments during my senior year of college; and two or three were from a shopping trip with my mom a few years after. You can bet Shirley dumped those old dishes WAY before I will! Many times I've thought we need a regular set of dishes...but I just haven't gotten around to picking some out and replacing the very-functional dishes in the cupboard.
I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that Jamey and I never got around to replacing ALL of the college furniture. Our bedroom still boasts two dressers that have followed me since my college days. One of them is a cast off from an aunt; I refinished it and am quite proud of the work that went it to restoring this old treasure. The other has been painted at least 4 different colors over the years and probably needs to find a home with another college student looking for bedroom creativity.
I'm not sure if it's a mental block or some practical thread weaving its way into my life regarding these old relics. I think I'm going to make it my post-holiday task, though, to finally get a big-girl set of dishes. The rest of the stuff can keep on functioning for a few more years.