Until recently, on move-in day each August, I'd be flooded with memories of my own move-in day. Matthews Hall was an unair-conditioned, 4-story, double-winged co-ed dorm and I moved into Room 214 in August of 1989 - perhaps the hottest day of that summer. My roommate was a sophomore and was bringing the lofts, mini-fridge and carpeting two days later, so really, I just had clothes, books, my bedding, some posters and a red foam chair. My mom held back tears, my 15-year old brother was more emotionally demonstrative than he'd been with me for several years, and my dad checked the oil in my car at least twice before they left town. I felt like I was starting a REALLY long camp.
Then last year, on Coe move-in day, in the midst of thinking about Matthews Hall, a new thought popped into my head. I thought 'this will be us in the future.' I starting thinking about Jamey and I as the anxious parents and Willa as the excited student embarking on new adventure. Yesterday I pictured Cam as the 12-year pesty brother, making potentially embarrassing comments in front of Willa's roommates. I thought about Jamey with his tools making certain the lofts or bunks are sturdy. I thought about how I'll linger and not want to leave. I'll ask Willa if she needs anything at Target enough times to annoy her.
Of course all of this is moot, though. We've already established that we're all going with Willa when she goes to college. Jamey and I will get more degrees, Cam can go to a local middle school. Willa has gleefully consented to this (and I've videotaped to remind her when the time comes). She's made slight alteration in the plan already, though. Last year, the plan was that we'd all share a dorm room. Last night, when we were talking about college, Willa suggested that now she and Cam will share a dorm room, and Jamey and I can either live next door, or maybe even down the hall. Perhaps by next year she'll have us living on a different floor entirely.