Willa started 2nd grade last week. Ms. Deb, her Kindergarten teacher, is now the teacher for 1st & 2nd Grade at Summit. Willa loved Ms. Deb in Kindergarten (everybody loves Ms. Deb). However, when I told Willa Ms. Deb was going to be her teacher, earlier this summer, she seemed less than thrilled. When I pressed her on the issue, she said "I love Ms. Deb, but I've already learned all the Kindergarten stuff and now I want to do 2nd grade stuff!"
I forget how literal her mind is. She associates Ms. Deb with Kindergarten. I explained that Ms. Deb has taught lots of other grades, and she would, indeed, be teaching Willa 2nd grade things, but I know this thought is still in Willa's head. The first night of homework, she casually commented that the homework is "kindergarten homework" (it was sequencing story problems), and she referred to her journal writing as "how we did journals in kindergarten". I suppose it does not help that Ms. Deb kept her classroom, so the kids are back in the room they had as Kindergartners.
In the combined 1st & 2nd grade, our second graders look so mature now, compared to the first graders. I do not remember thinking they looked young last year (when they were on the low end of the combined totem pole). It could be that we have some small statured first graders, or that our second graders had exceptional growth spurts over the summer (or they are just giants in nature!). Hopefully those little first graders will catch up!