In my 'other life' at Coe, I'm leading a summer development program called "13 Things to Think About."
The first post in the program introduced a quick TEDtalk by Matt Cutts, Google Engineer. Matt talks about trying something for just 30 days. Check out Matt's short talk HERE. My 30 day challenge for May is to stop eating after 8:30PM.
On the surface, I thought this sounded sort of cheap for a 30-day challenge. But when I stop to think about it, I think it's a good starter for me. It's about improving my over all health. It may seem like a small thing, but this will be a big deal for me. I'm a terrible snacker. I snack when I'm not even hungry. The kids have a "night-time" snack between 7:30-8, and I snack along. Then I tend to have another snack close to my 'night-time' between 10-11. Sometimes, in my moments of insomnia, I'll snack around 2am. I've read many times that it's good to give your digestive system a nice long break every night. Mine rarely gets any break!
I'm certainly not off to an impressive start (I am committing to this on May 7 - so I'll have to carry on my 30 days in to June!). No more night-snacks - starting NOW.