Yesterday, I did some interval training. The track was open and empty. Intervals on the track would do two things for me, 1) ensure even intervals (sprint the straight-away, walk the slacking!) and 2) the rubber track would give my knees a break from pavement. So I proceeded...
Hurdles. Set up in lanes 4 & 5 for 400m hurdles. Set up in lanes 6-8 for 100m hurdles. It has been 17 years since I've competitively hurdled, or stepped over any hurdle for that matter. Oh, but the temptation was so great, I so wanted to run them. Just one, even. My body could feel the stretched extension of the lead leg,
the tight tuck of the follow leg,
the quick downward spike of the lead leg as it cleared the hurdle,
then the stretch of the follow leg...stretching for the next step.
Yes, this is what my body could feel, but my head, my head was another story.
My head said "don't do it!
Don't be ridiculous.
Don't blow out a knee for a small moment of flight.
What are you thinking?
That leg won't pop like it used, that knee won't follow as high as it'll end up on the ground."
So, I listened to my head. But my body continued to protest as I passed every single hurdle. I think for now I'll avoid running on the track until the hurdles are put away.
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