Another beautiful Sunday on the farm. We've been collecting newspaper and grass clippings in an attempt to mulch down our rows and avoid so much weeding. I think we need bigger yards!
In addition to mulching, we did a bit more planting. More carrots and rainbow swiss chard went in tonight. It was so exciting to see itty bitty green leaves popping up through the soil! The beginnings of our delicious salads. Can't wait till these are big enough to cut off and put on our plates!
Will and Willa took over watering duties: rather than fill buckets and carry them to the far side of the plot, they decided to fill the wheel barrow, wheel it over, and fill the buckets from that. It may have sounded good in theory, but I'm not sure it was so great in practice. They did succeed in getting themselves completely soaked. We're still looking for the best solution to watering: the far side of our plot is too far away from the spout to run a hose. Unfortunately, this is where we planted things that like a lot of water.
We topped off the evening on the porch again. Last weekend was a fishing weekend for Jamey. He came back with lots of fresh walleye, so tonight was fish taco night. Larisa and I fried up the fish, squashed a couple of avocados and opened up a bottle of Riesling. It was also Iowa Valley Food Coop delivery week, so I had some fresh spinach and greens, but this meal would have been SO much better with our own fresh greens and cilantro! Soon!
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