Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Garden 2014: The Beginning

Garden Team StroBickErson is back with renewed commitment and hope for Garden 3.0. Garden 2.0 (last summer) was a bust. The kids and I went out early and threw some tomatoes and potatoes into the plot, then never revisited. Ev ended up putting in sweet corn (and we enjoyed the fruits of his labors!) and we forgot the rest.

This year we're back! We went out a few weeks ago, in the cold and put in early crops: peas, onions, lettuces and potatoes. On Saturday we went out, got a second tilling done and planted carrots, more onions (red this time!), a handful of tomatoes and peppers, one tomatillo, a few cantaloupe starts that Cam picked out and garlic! According to the good folks at Earl May, the garlic is not that hard to grow, so we thought we'd give it a try.

The most important work to get done was the fencing. We put in big fencing in the middle of the garden to support the peas. The kids discovered that pressing their bellies against the fencing created the perfect "six-pack" - no crunches required.  They also discovered the supply of Mr. Freezies in the garage freezer was abundant and needed thinning.

In addition to the internal fencing, we put up a 3-foot high perimeter fence designed to keep out our smaller furry friends: namely the dogs, raccoons and rabbits. For our bigger furry friends (the deer, who find the lettuces so delicious) we'll eventually set up the electric fence. Jamey and JP got out the sprinkling system and pretended to set it up, then prayed for rain.

Coming up next: more tomatoes and peppers. We'll see if our milk-jug experiment pays off! We also need to put in cucumbers and pumpkins. Ev is going to plant some sweet corn. Larisa and I have a poor track record with sweet corn (zero kernels for human consumption) so we're leaving that to the garden master.

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