Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3 Weeks

Today Cam is three weeks old. Only three weeks, 21 days, and I can't imagine life without him. Already the complaints and pains of being pregnant are hazy and life with only one child is starting to fade.

I remember the first few weeks after bringing Willa into our life - I kept waiting for our life to get back to normal. It took a while before I realized there wasn't a 'getting back to' but only a 'new' normal. But now, it seems that Cam has completed something; that there was a 'normal' just waiting for him. I never realized how much our family was waiting for this son, this next child, until we got him home.

So far, so good. Cam seems to be a mild baby. Just in the past two days or so he's spent a few extra hours awake during the day. I've been enjoying his 'newbornness' so much more than I enjoyed Willa's. Maybe because I now know you can't really break or ruin this little creatures. Willa is proving to be a great big sister, despite her complaints that he's not growing fast enough for her (she really thought he'd be able to control his arms and hands by now). And of course, Jamey is the master diaper changer and super-daddy. Can't wait to see what happens next week!