Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Indianola to Chariton: SUNSHINE!

Finally...after two miserable, long, cold, hilly days we finally get some fun. Woke up to a very dense fog cover this morning, but now we're having fun. We've got sunshine and some tail winds, so we can get a nice pace going. Every one seems almost giddy about the ride. In addition to the fabulous weather, it's a short day. Much needed after two 70+ mile days.

We're in Lacona at the moment, 14 miles from the end of our day.

The most interesting things we saw today:
1) two guys on unicycles
2) guy rollerblading the whole route
3) banana guy - we've seen him every day. He's a guy riding a three-wheel 'bent with big banana peel covering, plus he's wearing a banana costume. Yesterday he had Chiqita girls riding with him. Funny.

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