Friday, April 26, 2013

Kitchen Reno Day 5

We have lights! We have a BIG mess. Good bye to the sad, old track lights, hello to five bright recessed lights. I can't believe putting five little holes in the ceiling generated enough drywall dust to coat the entire family room. I'm glad I ran home in the afternoon and at least covered up the couches, ottoman and rug with plastic. Still it looks like someone exploded a powdered sugar bomb in the house.
Jamey brought Cam to the pool after his gymnastics class so we could all watch Willa swim for awhile. When Cam and I got home, the electrical guys were hard at work in the kitchen. Then Willa and Jamey came home. There were ladders in front of the fridge and blocking the doorway back to the pantry. I ended up going out the slider and sneaking back in through the garage to at least get to the pantry. Crackers, yogurt covered pretzels and leftover brownies from a catering job I helped with on Wednesday made up the dinner and night-time snack menu.


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