Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What it's about

Last week at the dinner table, while conversing about my triathlon training, my five-year-old, Willa, asked "Are you going to win the race, Momma?" It's flattering that she said this fully convinced that I could actually win the race. I said, "No, it's not about winning for me. It's about finishing and being strong and working toward a goal."  This seemed to satisfy her for the moment.

A few nights later, on the same conversation topic, I mentioned a kids triathlon that Willa might be interested when she's six or seven. She is interested in anything Jamey or I am interested in, so of course she enthusiastically said "yes, yes, I want to do a triathlon, too!" Then she thought about it for awhile, and asked "is that kid's one about winning?" Jamey and I assured her that everyone that gives their best efforts is a winner. I'm sure there will be many things in her future that will 'be about winning' but I hope always at the heart best effort trumps winning.

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